° Axon Neuron / Vagwa - ocuments 1995-2005: (2 CD-Box)
° DIJ & B**d Rice - Alarm Agents (CD)
° Dernière Volonté - Obeir et Mourir (2 CD-Box)
° V/A - AVCADIA IMPERAT (2 CDs, u.a. mit Sonne Hagal, Regard Extreme, Naevus, ...)
° V/A - Looking for Europe. The Neofolk Compendium (4 CDs)
° V/A - Ten Yearz of Madness (Behind the Iron Curtain) (2 CDs, u.a. mit Solar Salt, Sanctum, Cyclotimia, Blood Axis, Troum, Dream Into Dust, ...)
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