Roland tr-707 mod,bent,fucked -make an offer- VIDEO

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Moderatoren: Tardive Dyskinesia, thedi, chikan

Roland tr-707 mod,bent,fucked -make an offer- VIDEO

Beitragvon hawthorn » 20.02.2008 (16:49)


ive got a roland tr-707 that i havent used in ages. If you want it make an offer. I bent moded it a bit , its defently noisey fucked up and the factory sounds are no where to be found. Beebs, short tones, all kinds of clicks, distored kicks,claps,snares. i used it on this record ... &ac=Search
it has some effects on the record but you get the idea of whats possible.
no factory sounds, sliders dont work like they should but have some effect depending on the comblination of swiches you have on or off. One slider is fucked and makes a static sound if you mess with it(I just left it alone and then I didnt have any problems with it) The separate outputs are the same, some work depending on what you have off -on. One of the stereo outs is fucked, but you still have headphones and right.
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