industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: And242, Tardive Dyskinesia


Beitragvon MK » 26.11.2003 (14:14)

Please spread this propaganda:

Aesthetic Meat Front:

Blood Sun Rising - A Public Deprogramming Ritual
Europe - November/December 2003

Zürich: 29th November at strafBar
Kochstrasse 18 CH 8004 Zürich
info line: +41 (0)78841 3038

Munich: On Friday the 5th December
DACHGALERIE, Domagkstr 33, House 49, Munich
Door opens at 20:00, live act starts at 21:00
U6 Alte Heide, Bus 33 or 123, A9 exit > M.-Frankfurter

Paris/Le Mans: 8th December
for more info please contact:
0033 2 43 87 03 55

for more info please go here:

you can find images of the current ritual here:

The deprogramming rituals of the Aesthetic Meat Front
includes live body modifications such as piercing,
body suspensions; blood, meat, industrial waste, fire
play, and audience participation. A-M-F fuses elements
of ritual, power electronics and old school industrial
into a unique symphony of sonique nightmares.

New sound devises that are connected to the flesh via
hooks, needles and rings.
Live Body Modification + Audience Participation + Fire
+ Bio Hazards

We live in bad dream written by George Orwell. The
book of prophecy is called 1984. Newspeak slowly
becomes the dominant language. The reality of war has
been reduced to the sterility of a PG 13 video game.
It is now, more than ever, crucial to not resign or
dwell in apathy. The army of hopelessness has no pity
for its soldiers. The time has come to wake up. Keep
passion alive!

The focus of this ritual is to traumatize the
participants (performers and audience alike) into a
state of rapture and use this energy as a catalyst for
de-programming from a consumer friendly reality,
spiked with fears and anxieties. By invoking the
primal instinct we are releasing our inner powers,
thus reaching a state of true Self-awareness. These
moments are the keys to realize that there is more to
life than what we have been programmed to believe.

Can you feel your deep desire burning,
Are you afraid of your temple of flesh,
Are you afraid to lose your mind in the abyss of
Look around you, are you fulfilled living in this
Is you PC flesh satisfied,
Does your media brain need an upgrade,
Thank you for being a valuable part of the economic
food chain,
Every human is a potential threat to our security,
Consume terrorists everywhere,
Sleeper cells that will never awaken, for they've died
long ago,
Feed your innermost flame,
Cut open your flesh, inflame your mind, re-open your
This moment only is true,
Spirit cleansed in pain, burned in pleasure and reborn
in blood,

Temple of Flesh set my soul on fire!

Instruments include:
+ 20-gallon plastic bottle filled with blood and
played as noise violin.
+ a suspension devise that is connected to springs and
hooks inside the performer's flesh thus translating
his pain and euphoria into sound.
+ various vocals
+ glass
+ noise objects that are distributed among the
+ various push-button devises

I will not watch silently as the last remains of human
intelligence are buried in a cultural wasteland, I
will not eat up your lies or consume your persuasions,
I will not stand still in a media jungle of
non-information, I will not surrender to a mass media
invented reality, I will not obey a limited freedom of
speech. your so called liberties are a spit in the
face, I will take my birth given right of
Self-expression by force, implying the weapons of my
mouth, my hands, my body- I will infect the world with
the reflections of my mind! Every written word, every
spoken thought, every drawn image, every scar on my
body is

a ritual against disintegration of mind,
a ritual against human devolution,
a ritual as means of self-awareness
a ritual as purest form of resistance

Wake up, lay fire upon the prison of mental genocide,
defend you mind and fight!

Louis Fleischauer

new release:
Psychonaut 75/Aesthetic Meat Front
Split CD on Old Europa Cafe
Beiträge: 461
Registriert: 28.05.2003 (7:31)
Wohnort: Todtmoos

Beitragvon L.White » 26.11.2003 (20:38)

na wenn das mal kein Kasperletheater wird!

Beitragvon Elisabeth Arden » 27.11.2003 (9:36)

Das wird es mit Sicherheit. Ekelhafter Schweinkram.
Elisabeth Arden
Beiträge: 55
Registriert: 13.10.2003 (11:51)
Wohnort: Hoyerswerda

Beitragvon NoRriX » 28.11.2003 (19:44)

ich bin ja echt mal gespannt. Auf jeden Fall sollte man danach nicht von der Pozilei augehalten werden. Das gibt Fragen :shock:
Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 19.05.2003 (14:59)
Wohnort: Berlin

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