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November Drones (new dates!)

BeitragVerfasst: 15.10.2012 (23:12)
von b°tong
B°TONG (C. Sigdell, hostile soundscapes) - DISKREPANT (P. Åhlund, drones) - TAMAGAWA (B. Gaude, guitar drone)
Mi 14.11. Osnabrück (DE), Saal Bocksmauer
Do 15.11. Leverkusen (DE), Struppig Tanzen (im Kulturausbesserungswerk Opladen)
Sa 17.11. Hamburg (DE), FSK
So 18.11. Berlin (DE), Loophole
Mo 19.11. Augsburg (DE), Junges Theater *
Di 20.11. Praha (CZ), Final Club
Mi 21.11. Vienna (A), Der Blöde 3. Mittwoch (im Rhiz) **
Do 22.11. Innsbruck (A), PMK ***
* b°tong/emerge collaboration to celebrate ltd. edition split-LP release!
** Sigdell/åhlund/Gaude jam session, no separate shows!
*** special guest: Grenzregionen

Re: November Drones

BeitragVerfasst: 18.10.2012 (9:10)
von b°tong

Re: November Drones (new dates!)

BeitragVerfasst: 05.11.2012 (11:03)
von b°tong
Happy to announce we play at Loophole Sunday 18th November, and also Hamburg has changed from Gängeviertel 16th to FSK 17th November. Praha (CZ) we play at Final Club!

Thank you and see you somehwere on the road I hope.
