The Elefant Nr. 3 Bremen 2. März 2013

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: And242, Tardive Dyskinesia

The Elefant Nr. 3 Bremen 2. März 2013

Beitragvon pinkelsdaheim » 26.01.2013 (20:49)


Bremen , Deetjen Park, direkt hinter dem Bahnhof im Monument " Der Elefant"

Eintritt 8,00 Euro

Beginn: ca. 20 Uhr


Nr.3 Experimental Music from Poland into the crypt.

AB INTRA (Latin for "from inside") is a single room, studio project of Radek Kamiński, expressed in ambient/dark ambient forms.
The idea is to try to find the inner self through sound exploration. AB INTRA is generally an illustration of the images conceived in the mind of the author,
however, the usage of a form close to ambient gives the recipients the opportunity to make independent interpretation and insights into the internal realm of their own minds.

BISCLAVERET - the indigenous representative of the psychodelic / dark ambient scene.. Duet Radosław Murawski (Thorn) & Maciej Mehring (Dragos) is following their own music path.
Relying in on the dark/wave ambient stylistics and taking inspirations from illustration music they are creating sounds, thanks to which the atmosphere of horror and psychodrama is enhanced.
Creating their compositions, the musicians re trying to close them in tight albums, in which the text is an integral part thanks to which Bisclaveret introduces the listeners into the world of their
own visions, claustrophobic fears and questions about human existence. They use their own literature and musician code.

Der 2te Freund ( Bremen) Noises, Geräusche und feine Klänge aus der norddeutschen Tiefebene.
präsentiert von Rolf W. Krooß,
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 29.04.2010 (18:21)

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