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"Fire This Time" (Ad Noiseam goes politics)

BeitragVerfasst: 12.06.2003 (18:21)
von adnoiseam

A bit of spam and propaganda for a good cause... Ad Noiseam is now selling the "The Fire This Time" compilation in the Ad Noiseam mailorder catalog

"The fire this time" is an extremely good and important compilation released last year in the UK, and centered around the history of Iraq and the first Gulf War.
The second CD features 13 great tracks by the like of Aphex Twin (remixed by Black Lung), Soma, Orbital, Bola, Naseer Shamma and others, while the first one features almost the same tracks (plus Speedy J and Pan Sonic) as a background for a lon documentary about the history of Iraq. From the old history to the first Gulf War and its consequence, this CD is a very well documented research about this important issue, and helps to understand the current situation. Here is a lot more than "just" music, and something I can not say enough good things about. The most strongly recommended items I have ever been selling.

You can read a review of this compilation at ... nt&id=1209

And in order to spread the word where it needs to be spread, anybody ordering this compilation will get a 1 Euro / US$1 on every and each Ad Noiseam CD or vinyl ordered at the same time. So yes, this is commercialism, but I am trying to find a way to have as many people as possible listen to this compilation which, I repeat, is something very intelligently done and very rich in information.

