Greta & Camilla "From Scratch" (Denmark) &

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Moderatoren: And242, Tardive Dyskinesia

Greta & Camilla "From Scratch" (Denmark) &

Beitragvon DIENSTbar » 24.09.2003 (16:11)

Salon Bruit & DIENSTbar present a beautiful evening of noise:

Greta & Camilla "From Scratch" - Mutations Pop from Denmark

mp3: Greta & Camilla - From Scratch:

O.V.O. - Hardcore Powerelectronics from Italy



OVO is a music and life project. OVO are Stefania Pedretti (also in Allun) and Bruno Dorella (former Wolfango, now in various projects and Bar la Muerte's boss), accompanied by various friends joined by analogous spirit (in this record Jacopo Andreini, Claudio Parodi, Hermit and il Capoccia). Bruno and Stefania started this project mainly in order to be together. Accustomed to follow the respective groups in tour, but also tired of the problems that often obligate such groups to renounce to tour, concerts and recordings for job requirements, study or anything, it seemed natural to them to form an open but independent duet, which has the possibility to tour freely, with or without the aid of other musicians. A life plan therefore. Self production's final frontier, or more simply freedom at maximum degree, both artistic-expressive and logistic. Testimony is the lot of concerts held by OVO in their short existence, in Italy, Europe and USA. The spirit is just to play everywhere, without particular technical or economic requirements, only for the pleasure of doing it. The realization of Assassine has demanded 4 sessions, one for each hosted musician, each consisting of approximately an hour of total destructive improvisation, methodical destructuration and no wave quotes. Then we choose the maddest and, for us, amazing tracks. No overdubs, no mixing (every session is recorded on Dat), only a little editing to equalize the volumes. We'd like to hold OVO I won't say off the market, impossible for definition, but at least as free as possible inside of it. Two words on the musicians: Stefania Pedretti: supreme non-musician, yet voice and guitar in ALLUN, Assassine is characterized by her unmistakable way of torturing guitars and violins and for her particular voice. Bruno Dorella: once drummer with WOLFANGO, today with DANIELE BRUSASCHETTO, SICK DOGS and occasionally BUGO, guitar player with RONIN, noiser with LAVA and VENTOLIN ORCHESTRA, in Assassine plays drums and a cameo on bass. Jacopo Andreini: polyinstrumentist in thousand bands and projects: BZ BZ UEU, NANDO MEET CORROSION, NEEM, JACK ANDREWS, JEALOUSY PARTY, CRAP... plus a solo record on Snowdonia, a pair of dub bands and several free jazz projects Claudio Parodi: radical avant pianist, born classic and transformed by Stockhausen, in Assassine plays cheap electronics, a paraphernalia of aged radios and uncomprehensible gadgets... Hermit: famous in the power electronics scene, holder of an exterminated discography, in h/c and punk bands distinguished for originality (Sub Genius, Third World Planet, NNY). Capoccia: hinge of Roman satanic h/c scene, drummer in the magnificent CONCRETE and also in LOS VATICANOS, NAGANT 1865, COMRADES...

Salon Bruit & DIENSTbar @ Kathedrale

Schliemannstr. 40 - Back Primise

Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg - U2 (Eberswalder Str.)

27th of september

opens 21:00 concerts 22:00 video-aftershow 24:00

on time

no entrance money
Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 29.05.2003 (15:49)

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