sky burial . iv: of dharma and drowning

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: haiwire, thedi, chikan

sky burial . iv: of dharma and drowning

Beitragvon silken tofu » 29.05.2007 (20:52)

silken tofu
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 22.10.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: gent, belgien

Beitragvon And242 » 29.05.2007 (21:01)

Ich weiß nicht wie diese ist, aber die Of The First Light kann man bedenkenlos empfehlen.
Früher bewunderte man die SA, heute bewundere ich die AntiFa!
Beiträge: 7561
Registriert: 04.11.2003 (16:18)
Wohnort: Osnabrück

Beitragvon silken tofu » 30.05.2007 (21:23)

And242 hat geschrieben:Ich weiß nicht wie diese ist, aber die Of The First Light kann man bedenkenlos empfehlen.

'iv' finde ich persönlich noch besser, dunkler und kalter...

es gibt 3 hörproben auf

(sorry if i make mistakes in german, it's been a long time since i studied the language)
silken tofu
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 22.10.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: gent, belgien

Beitragvon fire in the head » 13.06.2007 (1:48)

Review from Vital Weekly:

Micheal Page's Sky Burial project is a busy off-shoot of his likewise busy Fire In The Head project and as such he has produced a bunch of releases, some of which made into Vital Weekly. His musical development is going quick, and the eighteen minute piece covered here is a true beauty of dark, atmospherical music. Build around samples of an obscure nature, perhaps field recordings or collapsing sheets of metal, he depicts a dark world or maybe an occult ritual taking place. Horror film soundtrack would be an option if he ever wants to make serious bucks from his music. Still heavily in depth with the likes of early Lustmord, a much louder version of Zoviet France or a much softer early Controlled Bleeding, the choice to put on one lengthy piece is a good decision. It gives his music the opportunity to develop beyond the song format and grow into the heavy beast it's now. It works quite well and it's definitely a road to explore further. (FdW)
fire in the head
Beiträge: 55
Registriert: 24.11.2006 (17:45)

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