SF "Pathological ambience" | net-album | U.S.A.

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: Tardive Dyskinesia, thedi, chikan

SF "Pathological ambience" | net-album | U.S.A.

Beitragvon Pharmakustik » 27.12.2007 (17:35)


Pathological ambience - SF

„Pathological Ambience is one 45-minute dark necrotic ambient monster from industrial ambient veteran Siegmar Fricke. Created with magnetophone, various synths and effectors that permanently change and mutate to other microcellular structures. Essential for fans of experimental drone/ ambient.“ (text: Agonal Period/U.S.A.)

release-date: December 26, 2007

Beiträge: 62
Registriert: 03.02.2006 (12:10)

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