SF | C h e m o d u l a t o r
Chemodulator comprises the sum of innovative experiences resulting from daily explorations and research in pharmakustik sound-symbiosis. The machinistic fluidity of rusty analogue frequencies melting with dismembered rhythmical particles and unvoiced robotix forms completely new organic tissues of constantly permutating electron-transfer. CHEMODULATOR is the forceful electrolytic answer to the border areas of increativity and commercial corrosion.
01 - Chemodulator 1 (7:31) [MP3]
02 - Chemodulator 2 (6:40) [MP3]
03 - Chemodulator 3 (6:05) [MP3]
04 - Chemodulator 4 (5:47) [MP3]
05 - Chemodulator 5 (4:53) [MP3]
06 - Chemodulator 6 (5:32) [MP3]
style: chemoglitch | shreddered bitcrushing | robovox | necrotic envelopes
release-date: June 15, 2009 | cat.-nbr. BP037 | BYPASS