Audiotrauma -- New FREE compilation AGAINST G8

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Moderatoren: Tardive Dyskinesia, thedi, chikan

Audiotrauma -- New FREE compilation AGAINST G8

Beitragvon OPPATRIA » 13.07.2011 (15:55)


New compilation AGAINST G8

2011, “the” latest crisis is in its third year, in Europe the financial and banking system crisis has become the States’ crisis. After injecting billions into banks and big firms, governments now say they can no longer assume their debts and have arranged austerity plans with the help of international institutions (IMF, European Bank) : lowering wages, social aid and pensions, massive layoffs, privatization of public services, destruction of social rights … Although revolts are developing in several countries, such as Greece, Romania, England, Italy, France, Tunisia, Algeria… social destruction policies have not stopped and their effects are striking.

Exploitation and increasing inequality, repression of migrants and development of control techniques, gentrification and ghettoization, are being supported by well-oiled media propaganda and strong security policies, trying to maintain the system and avoid outbursts.

However, we believe it is still necessary to radically contest what the G8 and the G20 represent: capitalism and the violent, unequal and individualist societies it generates. These summits are the official spaces of organization and legitimization of global capitalist policies whose effects we are fighting against daily . We still want to mobilize ourselves on an international scale against these institutions, but we feel we will have more impact by relying on local struggles, and multiplying the points of rupture and resistance.

Here we are, SMASH THE G8 !!! Donwload our FREE digital compilation against the G8

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 18.08.2008 (19:25)
Wohnort: Hannover

Zurück zu releases: net Label, mp3, official download

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