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Moderator: haiwire


Beitragvon meta » 10.11.2004 (20:41)

ah-cama-sotz/pal - guilty/audiowall split 7"
allerseelen - alle lust will ewigkeit/traumlied 7"
allerseelen - nornar nagli/panzergarten 7"
pal - remote 7"
victoria - homo rattus 7"
somatic responses - nrs 7"
ah-cama-sotz/frames a second - ankh/deceptive rate 7"
hypnoskull - whos hardcore anyway 7"
atrox - ekg 7" 117/300
hypnoskull - the harder you try is the closer you get 7" 483/555
haus arafna - für immer 7" 427/1690
ars moriendi - in memoriam 7"
negru voda - from liquid steel to frozen metal 7" lim 600
institut - unto the last man 7"lim 911
mürnau - misanthropy 7" 105/400
hypnoskull/tunnel/sona eact - fucked by others?attitudes 7"
blod - romantic and deranged 7"
sharons last party 7"
wo die wilden kerle wohnen 7"
sol invictus - eve 7"

sophia - aus der welt 10" lim 500
of the wand and the moon - midnight will 10"
ostara - whispers to the soul 10"
der Bluth**sch - viele feinde viele ehre 10"
chorea minor - four 10"
sanctum - the answer to his riddle - 10" lim 1000
institut - motionstruktures 10"
winterkälte - greenwar - 10"
ah-cama-sotz - mantra 10"
vromb - perimetre 10"+3"cd lim 472
orphx - nullity 10" 20/500
anenzephalia - die sender müssen schweigen 10"
winterkälte - progressive 10"
imminent starvation/synapscape - remix item 10"
sonar - volt revisted 2x10" 403/500
mental destruction - before the night 10" lim 404
irm/skin area - split 10"
der Bluth**sch - when all else fails 2x10"
mimetic - on the other side 2x10" lim 500
synapscape - positive pop boxset 3x10"+cd lim 960

thaglasz 5 - sampler 12" 16/100 grünes vinyl
der Bluth**sch - the track of the hunted 12"
D**th In June - lession 1 - misanthropy 12"
D**th In June - 93 dead sunwheels 12"
D**th In June - take care & control 12" + cd lim 1000
imminent/synapscape - screenwalking ep 12"
sol invictus - the blade 12" lim 1000
asche/morgenstern - split 12" ant-zen act 40, lim 523
brighter death now - 1890 12" lim 800
imminent starvation - human relocation 12"
imminent starvation - ethyl 6 12"
imminent starvation - north 12"
parasit - sampler 12"ant-zen act 23, lim 498
ah-cama-sotz - u-boot 12"
xerosma - sampler 12" ant-zen act 11, lim 525
ah-cama-sotz - the house of the lordh 12"lim 601
converter - coma 12"
converter - firebloom 12"
atrox - time is now 12" 459/500
hypnoskull -operation tough guy! 12"
somatic responses - augmented lines 12"
sonar - cosmic rays 12"
architect - galactic edge 12"
klangstabil - sieg der monochronisten 12"
proyecto mirage - do not look at me 12" 190/500
monokrom - monokrom 12"
sina - get better ep 12"
pal - m@remix ep 12"
orphx - other voices 12" 246/500
orphx - other voices 12"
nihil - irm/institut/nod/sharons last party 2x12" lim 1000
pal - after hour sounds 12" lim 499 promo exemplar
mürnau - cours brules 12"+7" lim 300
eisengrau - principles 12"+10" lim 300
hands 2001 - sampler lim 500

weiters sucht noch ein project debut II mit ortofon system einen neuen freund...

preise sind absichtlich nicht angegeben, da vereinbarungssache...

ahja, standort wäre das gute schöne österreich, versand nach vereinbarung!
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 10.11.2004 (20:29)

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