Non Servi - Chronik des Zerfalls

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: Tardive Dyskinesia, thedi, chikan

Non Servi - Chronik des Zerfalls

Beitragvon TKBerlin » 11.02.2011 (19:15)

From the ground of the battle of the Teutoburg Forest comes a unknown duo with the name Non Servi, who creates with "Chronik des Zerfalls" a muscical journey from life to death in 4 parts (I. Prolog II. Geburt aus dem Kaos III. Tage der Unschuld IV. Das Erwachen)! A deep mixture between the styles ambient, black metal and neofolk! All structures you hear - are handmade with a steal harp, hand drums, guitar, bass, voices and so on!

Special thanx to Christian Huber (Theremin Noise Club) for mastering & making artwork!
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 11.02.2011 (13:36)

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