Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

industrial und artverwandter bereich

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Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 07.03.2011 (9:39)

Auf Unrest Productions erschienen, übernehm ich einfach den Text von Mr. Shift:

HUMAN LARVAE - What Lies Ahead C-40

A mans journey from loss of faith to self destruction. What Lies Ahead has a fullness and warmth to the sound, like a red tinted picture which gives a sensation of the path through his personal hell. There is enormous attention to detail here with a flow that is just immaculate. HUMAN LARVAE breaks away from the traditional German industrial style with a more personal approach thus exploring new possibilities for himself and us.

I'm not the one to hype things up, least of all my own releases, but I struggle to find ways to accurately decribe this because it is just so unbelievably good. Six months after I received the master and I still keep playing it over and over again.

I'm very proud to be the one chosen to release this!

ich habe erstmal vier Exemplare hier zu liegen, weitere müsste ich bald erhalten.
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon MEZIRE » 07.03.2011 (19:28)

Hab meine Kopie diese Woche von Unrest bekommen und bin schwer begeistert!!!
Kauftip für alle, die irgendwie noch Tapes abspielen können.
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Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Al.Machine.O » 07.03.2011 (20:10)

Hey Big D. !!!

Ich ordere hier schon mal mein Exemplar - denke jedoch, es wird auf ne debile Sammelbestellung hinaus laufen.
Und wo wir schon beim Thema sind, Herr Kollege Vorposter wollte würde hätte gerne mit dir aufm Dresden NoiseFest 2011 spielen... (huch, habsch mich jetzt verplappert?).


Big D. ich meld mich die Tage bei dir!
L. <- Mini-Label <- Sounds
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Registriert: 17.04.2008 (18:23)

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 08.03.2011 (9:52)

Sammelbestellung klingt vorteilhaft, spart schonmal das Porto. Über Auftritte können wir dieses Jahr evtl. mal reden :wink:
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 20.03.2011 (10:25)

Weitere Exemplare sind eingetroffen
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon stefanhavoc » 15.04.2011 (17:45)

... ich wäre ja durchaus an diesem release interessiert, konnte mich aber noch nicht dazu überwinden, wieder das tapes sammeln anzufangen. die dinger sind so unpraktisch ... hoffe es kommt bald was neues auf einem anderen format raus. du lässt dir ja ganz schön zeit mit neuen releases.
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Registriert: 29.02.2008 (13:18)

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 15.04.2011 (19:37)

es stimmt, man muss schon Liebhaber des Formats sein. Es fördert zumindest bei mir das "bewusste" hören, anstatt mal wieder eine zufallsplayliste in winamp reinzuladen. Aber für unterwegs kommt man wohl nicht um das digitalisieren herum. Die kommenden releases werden aber wieder auf zugänglicheren Formaten erhältlich sein.
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Kaelte » 03.05.2011 (13:21)

Dann komm ich ja kaum drum herum mir auch ein Exemplar zu sichern ;-)
bin am 25.05. übrigens in berlin, dann könnten wir uns ja vielleicht treffen...

Melde mich die Tage bei dir!

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Registriert: 08.08.2006 (19:59)
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Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 03.05.2011 (21:45)

Geht klar!
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon distra74 » 07.05.2011 (21:10)

Nachdem mir "home is where the hurt is" schon sehr gefallen hat muss ich wohl auch hier zugreifen.
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Re: Human Larvae "What Lies Ahead" C-40

Beitragvon Human Larvae » 18.07.2011 (11:28)

kleine Rezension auf


02 06 2011 | HUMAN LARVAE -What Lies Ahead Cassette (Unrest Productions)
- Released 2011; posted by RN

Following the storming first action of 2011 in Shift's Morose (reviewed here), Unrest has put together this new cassette by Dresden's Human Larvae, a C40 of heavy and, similarly to the aforementioned tape, doom-y electronics crammed with atmospheric gloom and near-trancelike industrial blur. I'm yet to experience 2008's Home Is Where the Hurt Is, so this tape offered something of a very nice surprise.

Deep, soothing bass drones beneath the opening track, A Journey Towards Obliteration / Self-Destructive Thought Pattern, vocals initially aggressive before becoming mantra-esque and ominous. But this soon makes way for the second offering, Ego Feeder, submersing the low-end in a wind-tunnel of distorted sound, high pitched oscillations flickering away and vocals becoming muffled and intimidating. It's quite a change between these two tracks but one that blends seamlessly. As the track draws to a close, the noise makes way for a subtle mechanical sounding end. So far, so very good.

Moments I'd Like To Shove Your Words Back Down Your Throat is more placcid in approach but continues the same sense of tension, opting for a more hypnotic quality of soundscape with sampled speech patterns; the drone is back, but less prominent, not dominating the track but providing a strong foundation upon which Human Larvae's electronic manipulations ebb and flow.

Onto side B, And Then You'll Learn continues in much the same way, deep heavy low-end, starved feedback signals and sampled speech, haunting and oppressive. The tape really does a bang-on job of engaging you, the tones are warm but in a way clinical. Truth Seeker adds more static to the mix and sounds nastier, effected vocals make a return, barking desolately amidst distortion and reverb. Sub-bass aftershocks round out the track to a fade before the final track, Becoming the Locust, provides one final depressing slab of industrial dystopia. The turbine-like effect evoked on side A is in full swing, shut your eyes and the morbid vision creates itself, putting you in a pretty lonely place.

It's a very accomplished tape, desperate and evokative and like Morose, its strength is in the arrangement and atmosphere as much as it is in the raw sound that Human Larvae has created.
Molesting your ears since 2005
Human Larvae
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: 25.05.2006 (23:04)
Wohnort: Berlin

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