Anonymous Series Volume Two (Praxis 45) - out Sept. 26

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: haiwire, thedi, chikan

Anonymous Series Volume Two (Praxis 45) - out Sept. 26

Beitragvon praxis » 16.09.2011 (15:03)

ANONYMOUS SERIES VOLUME TWO (PRAXIS 45) 12" vinyl and digital.

The long awaited sequel to Volume One (Praxis 44) is about to be released!
4 tracks of different shades of breakcore, from ruff and slamming to cut
up and atmospheric, limited to 300 12″ vinyl copies in total, only 200 of
which will go into normal distribution (the rest is for the artists and
the praxis shop respectively).
Records ordered directly from the Praxis Online Store will include a download code: ... ts_id/4475
Alternatively you will be able to order the record via which includes both physical + digital, or only digital as options. ... -praxis-45
Both sites are taking pre-orders now which will be shipped mid-week.

This is the second in a trilogy designed to challenge assumptions about artists and the “star system” and focus on the excitement of the music instead.
After the heavy and momentous “Vacuum Theory” by Cortex (ex-16-17) released in the spring, this is the second vinyl 12″ on Praxis this year, and a lot of other releases are in the pipeline.
Please check
for snippets!
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 13.02.2011 (17:47)

Zurück zu releases: cd, cd-r, vinyl, mc, md

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