- Prague Industrial Festival IX - 13.-14.12.03

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: And242, Tardive Dyskinesia

- Prague Industrial Festival IX - 13.-14.12.03

Beitragvon Cripple » 13.10.2003 (13:30)


- Prague Industrial Festival IX -


Bad Sector (ita)
The Three (cz)
Einleitungszeit (sk)
Jude (pl)
Aghiatrias (cz)
Domestic Front (usa)
Neuer Raum (d)

Prag, Matrix

Sobald ich weitere Infos habe, werde ich sie euch nachreichen!

Beitragvon haiwire » 13.10.2003 (13:45)

oder der interessierte schaut bei ars morta universum rein.[/quote]
Beiträge: 1721
Registriert: 18.07.2002 (20:19)

Beitragvon Cripple » 13.10.2003 (13:57)

haiwire hat geschrieben:oder der interessierte schaut bei ars morta universum rein.

Danke, das hatte ich vergessen!
Link: Ars Morta

Beitragvon Cripple » 03.11.2003 (10:21)

Aktuelle Infos:

The 9th Annual Prague Industrial Festival
"The International Meeting of Avante Garde Musicians"


Ars Morta Productions is proud to announce
The 9th Annual Prague Industrial Festival featuring again a host
of avante garde musicians from throughout Europe for this two
day gathering at the Club Matrix in Prague for this legendary
annual event. Featured this year is the pioneer of early spacial

electronic music "Bad Sector" from Italy for his second appearing
in the Golden City.
Also appearing is Ex Zoviet France member "Delayer" from the UK
with "Neuer Raum" (Germany), "Domestic Front" (USA),
"Einleitungzeit" (Slovakia), "Jude" (Poland), "Aghiatrias" (Czech Republic),
"Spear" (Poland), "4+S/M" (Czech Republic), and
"The Three" (Czech Republic).

Advance Tickets email: ars.morta@worldonline.cz or arsmorta@centrum.cz

Directions to Club Matrix: www.matrixklub.cz

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